
Green fund to add electric bicycles in support scheme


April 5, 2016


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April 5, 2016


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The most energy in Croatia is consumed in transport, 35%, said Filip Brkljača from the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (FZOEU), which stimulates e-mobility with subsidies for electric and hybrid vehicles. This year the budget is HRK 25 million (EUR 3.33 million) and it includes electric bicycles, he added, quoted by portal Energetika-net. Speaking at the Auto-moto Forum on April 4, ahead of the Zagreb Auto Show, Brkljača pointed out that last year EUR 128 million was secured, from which EUR 4.6 million was set for cleaner transport.

In 2014 e-mobility was stimulated with EUR 2.07 million, while last year the figure was increased to EUR 3.33 million, to remain at the same level for 2016, even though critics would prefer a reduction, the article said.

Robert Gogić, homologation and environmental protection chief in Porsche Croatia d.o.o., stated faulty and scrap vehicles are a source for parts used in car repair in the grey zone. He also warned lately 160 million litres of lubricating oil vanished from the system. The amount is equal to a one metre deep lake on 16 hectares.

In other news, the fund announced it will place public calls for energy refurbishment of buildings and family houses, but also for purchases of efficient devices. Media reports revealed the construction segment project could be launched in July. Information appeared that the share of financing would be cut to an average of 45% and that European Union funds could be used. Last year the refurbishment of houses was covered with between 40% and 80%.

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