
Government sacks power utility head for misspending


March 8, 2016


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March 8, 2016


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Prime minister Aleksandar Vučić said the purchase of two Audi vehicles was the last drop which led Aleksandar Obradović, chief executive of state-owned Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS), to be relieved of his duty, B92 portal reported. The new head of the company will be picked through public contest, the premier said.

Asked whether there’s indication Obradović is responsible for anything more drastic than what he got demoted for, Vučić said it’s a question for state authorities. Speaking earlier for state broadcaster RTS, he announced the dismissal due to failure to comply with austerity measures. Vučić also said he is unhappy with the restructuring of EPS.

The Fiscal Council recently stated the public company’s business results currently pose the greatest risk to Serbia’s public finances. The independent state body’s president Pavle Petrović stated EPS had “a bunch of problems” and singled out the number of employees and their high salaries.

Union representatives have cut demands for severance pay from EUR 1,500 to EUR 900 per year of service for those who are about to be laid off. The decrease in headcount is part of the current arrangement with the International Monetary Fund.

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