
Erdogan inaugurates 34 hydropower plants

Erdogan 34 hydropower 125 more pipeline

Photo: Presidency of the Republic of Turkey


August 12, 2022



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August 12, 2022



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Hydropower is one of the most important sectors for investments in Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said at the inauguration of 34 recently built hydropower plants with an estimated annual output of 2.3 TWh in total.

Turkey, added 605 hydroelectric systems in the last two decades, boosting the total to 730, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said. At the official inauguration of 34 units commissioned by the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works – DSI, he stressed the country has limited resources and that water is indispensable for life, health, development and the environment. The president highlighted water’s role in the prevention of drought and poverty.

The new hydropower plants have an estimated annual output of 2.3 TWh in total. Erdogan said hydropower is one of the most important sectors for investments in Turkey. He noted that the highest dam so far, Yusufeli, is nearing completion. The hydropower plant is planned for 540 MW in capacity and to produce 1.9 TWh of electricity per year.

Newly built hydropower plants to pay for themselves in six years

The president said the new hydroelectric units cost EUR 870 million and that they would pay for themselves in six years. Another big project in the pipeline is the 160 MW Silvan hydropower complex, with eight dams. It will enable the irrigation of 235,000 hectares of land, Erdogan added.

The endeavor is part of the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) for regional development. The facility in Diyarbakır is envisaged to hold 7.3 billion cubic meters of water.

Solar power auction for 1.2 GW to be launched in up to two months

According to the International Renewable Energy Agency, Turkey had 31.5 GW installed in hydropower at the end of last year.

Of note, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Fatih Dönmez has just announced that the country’s total electric power capacity has surpassed 101 GW and that renewables account for 54%. He also said the YEKA GES-5 auction for solar power would be launched in a month or two for a combined 1.2 GW.


CORRECTION: This article was changed to correct the number of hydropower plants in Turkey and the capacity of the Silvan dam.

Comments (1)
Melih Kondakci / August 14, 2022

Some corrections:1. Silvan dam will be probably second biggest in terms of reservoir volume?
2. Silvan dam reservoir volume might probably be 8.7 billion cubic meters not million cubic meters?
3. Total installed capacity of Turkey probably surpassed 101 GW not 1.01 GW.

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