Public power utility Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) has invited expressions of interest from consultants for the project Modernization of the Ash Handling System in the Thermal Power Plant (TPP) Nikola Tesla A in Obrenovac project.
TPP Nikola Tesla A is the biggest thermal power plant in Serbia with a capacity of 1,650 MW and the biggest generator of electric power in the country. However, this TPP is the greatest source of air pollution in Serbia.
Every year EPS thermal power plants combust 30 million tonnes of lignite. Combustion product is approximately 5.5 million tonnes of ash and slag per year, disposed at open disposal sites with the total area of 1,200 hectares.
The Modernization of the Ash Handling System project is financed by KfW Development Bank in the amount of EUR 45 million and by EPS which secured EUR 21 million.
“The project is divided into six different subsystems: internal fly ash handling system, internal bottom ash handling system, bottom ash treatment and collecting bunker, external system (slurry transport and disposal), electrical and controls, civil and hydrotechnical,” the Invitation for Expressions of Interest reads.
According to earlier EPS statement, new handling system will secure better air quality by preventing ash dispersion by wind. The project outcome will also protect the underground waters, Sava River and the ground from pollution.
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