By providing up to EUR 500 million for lending to mid-sized investments (EUR 5 million to EUR 50 million) in renewable energy and resource efficiency, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is building its credit line MidSEFF III on the achievements of the previous phases. The bank published a procurement notice for engagement of a consultant company for implementation of the project also aiming at reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the country’s dependence on imported energy supplies.
The invitation for expressions of interest closes on October 30. The assignment is expected to start in January 2016 and has an estimated overall duration of 24 months. Cost estimate for the assignment is EUR 1.9 million, exclusive of value-added tax. It is expected that the assignment will be implemented with funding provided by the European Union under the EBRD–EU Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programme for Turkey, the bank said. Responsibilities include infrastructure to ensure coordination, monitoring and reporting, maintenance of the facility’s website and ensuring donor visibility, and assisting the participating financial institutions to adapt the procedures, information and process workflows.