Photo: Pixabay
April 9, 2017
UniCredit Bank a.d. Banja Luka may be granted a EUR 5 million senior loan under the Western Balkans Residential Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) for on-lending to residential sector for green economy investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development said in the project summary.
The target board date is May 4, the document notes and reveals the market for green technologies and materials will be underpinned.
The scheme is designed to increase awareness as well as capacity and involvement of the population and private sector participants in residential green economy investments, the international lender added.
Other objectives are to improve living comfort and affordability of utilities for households and to strengthen local production and supply base for green technologies and materials. Sizeable resource savings are expected in the key energy consuming sector of the Balkan country’s economy, according to the EBRD.
The project focuses on resource conservation, expansion and demonstration of market potential for green lending, and mobilization of the private sector, the bank said. Financing under the facility will be complemented with targeted incentive payments, technical cooperation and a campaign for affordability and information.
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