
E.ON to install 400,000 smart meters in Romania

EON to install 400.000 smart meters in Romania

Photo: E.ON


December 8, 2020



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December 8, 2020



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E.ON Energie Romania will install 400,000 smart meters within its efforts to develop a digitalized distribution network, a key infrastructure element in the energy transition to integrate renewables, especially for the electricity produced by prosumers.

Electricity and gas supplier and operator of the distribution network E.ON Energie Romania intends to invest EUR 26.1 million in installing smart meters by 2028.

According to a press release by German energy company E.ON’s subsidiary, smart meters will be used to measure the output from solar panels or other systems and to make data available to market participants, including suppliers, network operators, and direct sellers, in real-time.

An E.ON smart meter can recognize how much energy is being used by a group of devices and identify potential savings

Besides, if necessary, E.ON smart meter can recognize how much energy is being used by a group of devices, and determine potential savings, the press release reads.

The company also plans to offer new and flexible tariffs for electricity.

At the end of 2028, over 700,000 or 45% of the company’s customers in Romania will have smart meters

So far E.ON Energie Romania has installed about 320,000 smart meters, and over the period 2019-2028, the company plans to add another 397,000 such devices. As a result, at the end of 2028, over 700,000 or 45% of the company’s customers in Romania will have smart meters installed.

Fundamental pillar of tomorrow’s energy world

CEO of E.ON Malte Sunderkötter said the company is pushing for smart metering systems because digitization and smart control of electricity networks are a fundamental pillar of tomorrow’s energy world.

He stressed it is not enough to build wind farms, sell electric vehicles or install solar panels on roofs.

Smart metering systems are tools to make the best use of the environmentally friendly energy

The possibility of measuring the consumption and controlling the local grid in real-time is essential to make the best use of environmentally friendly energy, Sunderkötter added.

E.ON plans to invest EUR 6.6 billion in its German distribution networks alone and install about 2.5 million smart meters.

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