
Greece and Romania include new green energy projects in REPowerEU

EU approves REPowerEU green energy projects submitted by Greece, Romania

23 November 2023 - Through the revision of their resilience plans, Greece and Romania got EUR 795 million and EUR 2 billion, respectively, in REPowerEU funds

Hidroelectrica halts Europe largest solar power project

Largest solar power project in Europe halted

21 November 2023 - Romania's state-owned Hidroelectrica canceled a tender within its 1.5 GW solar power project in the Oltenia province


Hospitals in Romania’s Ilfov county to be powered by solar

21 November 2023 - The proposed solar power plant would cut electricity costs by 90% at public buildings and hospitals managed by the county

OMV Petrom Verchere Energy security diversifying sources supply

OMV Petrom’s Verchere: Energy security implies diversifying sources, supply

18 November 2023 - The pandemic, energy crisis and war in Ukraine have all actually accelerated the energy transition, OMV Petrom's CEO Christina Verchere said

Romania turn 17 coal mines gravity energy storage systems

Romania to turn 17 coal mines into gravity energy storage systems

10 November 2023 - Romania agreed with Green Gravity to study gravity energy storage technology in 17 coal mine shafts in the Jiu Valley complex

Nofar Ecoenergy Romania largest solar power plant

Nofar, Econergy inaugurate Romania’s largest solar power plant

01 November 2023 - Nofar Energy and Econergy marked the start of the test phase for their 155 MW photovoltaic system in Rătești, west of Bucharest

romania solar panels prosumers

More than half of Romanians intend to install solar panels by 2025

20 October 2023 - Romanian energy regulator ANRE expects the number of prosumers in the country to hit 100,000 by the end of 2023

Solarity training Deye October 24, 2023 online free of charge

Solarity adaugă în portofoliul său tehnologia de invertoare Deye, anunță un webinar și se alătură târgului CISOLAR din România

14 October 2023 - Solarity, distribuitor și angrosist internațional de sisteme fotovoltaice, a adăugat în portofoliul său cele mai...

Romania seeks coal plant closure delay from EU Sebastian Burduja

Romania seeks coal plant closure delay from EU

13 October 2023 - Romania has backtracked on its commitments regarding the shutdown schedule for coal power plants in its CE Oltenia Complex

Solarity training Deye October 24, 2023 online free of charge

Solarity adds Deye inverters technology to its portfolio, announces webinar and joins CISOLAR fair in Romania

12 October 2023 - Solarity, an international distributor and wholesaler of photovoltaic systems, has added the latest hybrid and...


US, Canada approve financing for new nuclear reactors at Romania’s Cernavodă

29 September 2023 - US Exim Bank approved a USD 57 million loan and Canada offered CAD 3 billion in financing for new reactors in Romania's Cernavodă plant


Hidroelectrica, Masdar mull joint investment in floating solar power of 1.5 GW

26 September 2023 - CEO Bogdan Badea said Hidroelectrica is considering a joint investment in floating solar panels of 1.5 GW with its partner Masdar


Rehabilitated landfill in Romania to host municipal solar power plant

18 September 2023 - The Municipality of Sibiu is developing a project for Romania's first solar power plant on a rehabilitated landfill


Romania to build transmission, interconnection power line worth EUR 3 billion

18 September 2023 - A high-voltage direct current cable across Romania to Hungary is "the number one priority," Minister of Energy Sebastian Burduja said.


Romania preparing 20 MW floating solar power project on irrigation canals

12 September 2023 - A Romanian state agency is set to apply for European funds for a floating solar park on a network of irrigation canals east of Bucharest

Resita city western Romania first achieve energy independence

City in western Romania aims to be first to achieve energy independence

11 September 2023 - The local authority in Reșița in western Romania got the technical connection approval for its own 21 MW photovoltaic park

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