12 February 2021 - Companies can still claim a refund of unlawful CO2 taxes from the competent authorities until 12 April 2021
09 February 2021 - The Energy Transition Tracker points to slow energy transition momentum and the decarbonization challenge in electricity production and transportation.
09 February 2021 - Despite COVID constraints, Europe raised EUR 26.3 billion to finance 7.1 GW of new offshore wind capacity in 2020.
05 February 2021 - Four Energy Community contracting parties in the Western Balkans are under pressure to bring air pollution from coal power plants under control
05 February 2021 - Within five years, the item in electricity bills for stimulating green power in Germany could be scrapped. An average family now pays EUR 413 per year
04 February 2021 - Members of the European Parliament want the tax to be rolled out for oil products, glass, paper and aluminium as well.
03 February 2021 - Environmental and social impact issues remain of high importance for businesses even amid the ongoing crisis, according to a survey commissioned by Epson and Iris.
02 February 2021 - Jovana is among 25 young researchers honored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research for their contribution to sustainable development.
28 January 2021 - The European Commission has approved public funding to be provided for 42 SMEs and start-ups in the battery sector.
28 January 2021 - Spain has secured lowest ever price for new wind energy in Europe, of EUR 20 per MWh, thanks to the Contract-for-Difference (CfD) model.
28 January 2021 - A malfunction in Croatia’s substation Ernestinovo was the initial event that led to a split into two grid regions on January 8.
27 January 2021 - Until recently, the development of the hydrogen power industry was hampered by the high cost of renewable energy and the insufficient advances in technology.
26 January 2021 - For the first time ever, the EU has produced more electricity in a year from renewable energy sources than from fossil fuels.
22 January 2021 - The United Kingdom ordered the most wind turbine capacity, 4.4 GW, followed by the Netherlands, with 2.4 GW, and Sweden, with 1.4 GW.
22 January 2021 - Investments must be raised by 50-70% in the 2020s, according to the landmark study conducted by industry bodies Eurelectric and E.DSO.
21 January 2021 - The coupling of Bulgaria’s day-ahead electricity market with those in Greece and Romania is expected this year, according to the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX).