20 October 2021 - GWP-Med held a workshop on gender equality for sustainable development in nexus sectors in the Drin river riparians
18 October 2021 - The European Commission's Frans Timmermans said gas has a future in the energy mix and that EU has nothing against nuclear energy
18 October 2021 - Belgrade reached the top of IQAir's air pollution list last night, trailed closely by other major cities in the Balkan region
15 October 2021 - The World Health Organization (WHO) recently published its long-awaited new guidelines for air quality, which have been updated for the first time since 2005.
15 October 2021 - National Rally's Marine Le Pen vowed to halt subsidies for solar and wind and close wind farms if she wins the French presidential election
13 October 2021 - The EU's sale of EUR 12 billion in debt securities, the biggest so far on a global scale, attracted record demand as well
13 October 2021 - Ten states including Slovenia, Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria want nuclear power to be recognized as low-carbon technology in the EU.
12 October 2021 - The projects include using seawater energy for heating and cooling, harnessing wave energy to generate electricity, and turning seaweed into biofuel.
12 October 2021 - CWP and Mercuria Energy Trading have set up a joint venture to complete and build out CWP 's renewables portfolio in Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, and Ukraine.
08 October 2021 - Kosovo* is ranked second in the world for its share of coal in domestic electricity production, trailing only Botswana. Serbia is seventh and BiH is tenth
08 October 2021 - Including waste incineration in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) would encourage waste prevention...
07 October 2021 - There are enough reserves for the winter and gas prices should decrease in spring, EU Commissioner Simson said and promised to ease the impact.
07 October 2021 - The price of electricity on European power exchanges yesterday recorded an unprecedented rise of more than EUR 140 per MWh.
06 October 2021 - The EU prepared a EUR 30 billion investment package and the Western Balkans must implement climate action reforms from Green Agenda Action Plan
01 October 2021 - GWP-Med will hold an online workshop on the gender equality factor in the Drin river basin through the prism of the water-energy-food-ecosystems nexus
30 September 2021 - While the EU is drafting measures to help poor households and small firms shoulder the spike in energy prices, member states have individual solutions