23 November 2021 - The decarbonization roadmap will be discussed at the meeting of the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community in Belgrade on November 30
18 November 2021 - The high prices should fall significantly in April 2022, according to the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
16 November 2021 - In Austria, initial plans of a strategy for the use of hydrogen were announced more than three years ago but little has happened since then
15 November 2021 - Graig Fatha, the UK’s first wind farm to be owned by the customers it supplies, is under construction
15 November 2021 - The Energy Community Secretariat said the contracting parties achieved only modest progress in reforming their energy and climate sectors
12 November 2021 - Serbia and Kosovo* are among the worst performers in Europe in terms of EVs’ carbon savings compared with gasoline vehicles due to coal-reliant power grids.
12 November 2021 - ProCredit's application to locate EVs is available to drivers free of charge.
04 November 2021 - Leaders of Western Balkan states urged rich countries at the COP26 to show solidarity in the energy transition to cleaner sources
02 November 2021 - Banks are missing out on lucrative and innovative opportunities in the new green economy if they don't adapt to the green energy revolution
29 October 2021 - Damir Miljević talks about this new industrial revolution and the opportunities it brings for economic development in the region.
29 October 2021 - Most energy subsidies in Southeastern Europe in 2019 were directed to fossil fuels, led by Bulgaria and Greece
29 October 2021 - This campaign showcases the diverse range of careers in the sector and connects potential solar workers with the right training
26 October 2021 - Packaging and non-packaging made of OXO-biodegradable plastic arriving after 3.7.2021. may no longer be placed or distributed on the Slovak market.
26 October 2021 - Filip Koprčina from Croatia is one of the laureates at this year's edition of the EU Sustainable Energy Week – EUSEW
25 October 2021 - Renewables insure the EU against rising energy prices and cut its dependency on fossil fuel imports, Von der Leyen said at the opening of EUSEW
22 October 2021 - The phaseout of coal and nuclear power plants will be offset with a simultaneous and gradual increase in renewable power capacity