
Europe’s biggest battery energy tesla storage Pillswood Harmony Energy

Europe’s biggest battery energy storage system is online

22 November 2022 - The Pillswood facility, developed by Harmony Energy, can store up to 196 MWh of electricity in a single cycle

Seven green ventures Clim@ Scaler accelerator program

Seven green ventures complete Clim@ Scaler accelerator program

21 November 2022 - The GGF and Rockstart held a closing event for the first edition of their Clim@ Scaler accelerator program

Western Balkan leaders vow to join forces in region's energy transition

Western Balkan leaders vow to join forces in region’s energy transition

17 November 2022 - Leaders of Western Balkan states agreed the only way that the region can overcome the energy crisis is through a joint green transformation


HELLENiQ Energy’s Vision 2025 – committed to a clean energy future

17 November 2022 - The company will invest heavily to increase the use of renewable sources and clean energy, and modernize its refineries

Volvo deliveres first electric trucks with fossil-free steel amazon

Volvo Trucks delivers world’s first electric trucks made of fossil-free steel

17 November 2022 - The fossil-free steel is produced by the Swedish steel manufacturer SSAB and is made by using a completely new technology

electricity natural gas prices eu 2022

Household electricity bills in 33 EU capitals surge 111%, gas jumps 69%

16 November 2022 - The highest electricity prices are nine times above the cheapest tariffs while the ratio in the gas sector is 16, according to the Household Energy Price Index for Europe

Simson: Up to EUR 450 billion is needed to maintain nuclear capacity in EU

Simson: Up to EUR 450 billion is needed to maintain nuclear capacity in EU

15 November 2022 - Investments of about EUR 350 – 450 billion will be needed in the coming decades...

Billions of euros to support EU coal regions achieve little for energy transition

15 November 2022 - EU support for coal regions has achieved little for the climate transition, according to the...

italy albania pipeline water adriatic sea

Adriatic pipeline to supply Italy with water from Albania

14 November 2022 - Puglia sees it as a solution to deal with droughts, which have been especially severe in recent years

Parking lots in France must set up solar panels

Parking lots in France must set up solar panels

11 November 2022 - Parking lots in France with 80 or more car spots will need to be equipped with overhead solar power panels

CAN Europe: Limited progress of national climate and energy plans in Western Balkans

CAN Europe: Limited progress of national climate and energy plans in Western Balkans

11 November 2022 - National plans must implement a more efficient energy policy that will ensure the path to the decarbonization of the region by 2050

EU accelerate renewables permitting cut environmental requirements

EU to accelerate renewables permitting, cut environmental requirements

10 November 2022 - The European Commission wants to cut red tape for renewables but it may lower environmental standards in the process

europe heat deaths climate change eea report

90,000 Europeans could die every year from extreme heat by 2100 – EEA

10 November 2022 - The European Environmental Agency warns that unprecedented heatwaves are the greatest direct climate-related health threat to population

Assessing climate risk impacts will soon become critical for making business decisions

09 November 2022 - Of all the ESG risks, those caused by accelerating climate change are probably the most complex and they are often not immediately obvious

Energy Community calls journalists to workshop in Vienna in December

Energy Community calls journalists to workshop in Vienna in December

08 November 2022 - The Energy Community Secretariat will host 18 journalists at an energy transition workshop on December 14 in Vienna

Berlin Declaration reaffirms regional energy cooperation in Western Balkans

Berlin Declaration reaffirms energy cooperation in Western Balkans

07 November 2022 - At the Berlin summit, Western Balkan leaders adopted the Declaration on Energy Security and Green...

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