
Constanța champion county in green energy capacity


January 7, 2016


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January 7, 2016


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With an installed capacity of over 1,639 MW, Constanța has the most renewable energy, followed by Tulcea and Giurgiu, while Sălaj, Ilfov and Covasna are the least developed, having less than 10 MW each, according to a document released by Romanian state-owned Transelectrica SA. The champion county has the most wind energy, with turbines of 1,636 MW, and 3.5 MW are photovoltaic panels, Act Media reported.

Neighbouring Tulcea has 809 MW, with wind turbines’ capacity of 796 MW and the rest for photovoltaic panels, according to data provided by the transmission system operator. The region of Dobruja (Dobrogea), consisting of the two counties, is considered to have the biggest wind potential in Southeastern Europe, and it initially drew investors in the sector to Romania. Giurgiu has 193 MW installed, while Prahova has 188 MW.

Transelectrica and the eight electricity distribution operators in Romania had a contract valid through last month for connection to the grid for renewable energy projects with a total of 10.8 GW, according to another document of Transelectrica. The biggest capacities are those producing wind energy, 7.52 GW. Photovoltaic projects with connection contracts got to 2.5 GW while small hydropower stations have a total of 621 MW. There are capacities of 139.9 MW of biomass and 16.7 MW of biogas with connection contracts, as well as a small project of 50 kW of geothermal energy. The contract means they are already functioning or in advanced stage of construction.

At the end of November, capacities for renewable electricity with installed power of 5.13 GW were in function in the system, according to Transelectrica. Wind parks accounted for 3.13 GW, photovoltaic panels had 1.31 GW, small hydropower stations had 583 MW, and biomass projects had the capacity of 103 MW.

Renewable energy producers receive free green certificates to sell. They are paid by all users in Romania, including by the population in the electricity bill. This year’s compulsory quota of electricity produced from renewable sources in the system of certificates is 12.15% of consumption, according to a decision adopted by the government on December 30. Last year’s quota was 11.9%. The current level is flat on the year, at RON 35 (EUR 7.72) per MWh, without transferring unjustified costs in the bill, the authorities say.

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