
steel green hydrogen decarbonization

Decarbonizing one steel plant with hydrogen requires up to EUR 7 billion in investment

29 July 2022 - Hydrogen Europe conducted an analysis of the viability of using solar and renewable energy to decarbonize steel manufacturing

offshore wind

Greece passes first offshore wind energy law

29 July 2022 - The Greek Parliament passed a law on the development of offshore wind energy and further simplification of renewable energy licensing

Ember EU install renewables two times faster in 2026 climate targets

Ember: EU must install renewables two times faster by 2026 to meet climate targets

28 July 2022 - The EU will need double solar and wind additions by 2026 to deliver on the goal to hold global warming at a maximum 1.5 degrees

The Komarnica canyon_Photo Dobrica Mitrović_CEE Bankwatch_web

CEE Bankwatch: Southeast Europe hydropower investment risks are high and rising

28 July 2022 - Greenfield large hydropower investments across southeast Europe face major risks and low realisation rates, according to a new report by CEE Bankwatch and partner organisations.

Serbia target emissions cut 40 3 by 2030 upcoming NECP

Serbia to target emissions cut of 40.3% by 2030 in upcoming NECP

27 July 2022 - Serbia presented the preliminary goals for its integrated national energy and climate plan as it is about to start a public debate

Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia to set up joint working group for energy cooperation mihajlovic baluku bekteshi

Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia to set up working group for energy cooperation

27 July 2022 - Albania and North Macedonia accepted Serbia's proposal at a meeting held in Tirana within the Open Balkan initiative

ERS wind farm subsidiary Donja Trusina Vjetroparkovi Elektroprivrede Republike Srpske

ERS sets up wind farm subsidiary to develop Donja Trusina project

26 July 2022 - The Republic of Srpska is establishing a project firm under state-owned power utility ERS to develop the Donja Trusina wind park project


Elassona in Greece to build municipal photovoltaic plants of 5 MW in total

26 July 2022 - The Municipality of Elassona will build solar power plants to cut electricity costs for water supply and sewerage by 90%

more support prosumers Kosovo

Kosovo* to provide more support to its prosumers

25 July 2022 - The Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) of Kosovo* is preparing another mechanism for incentives for investments in rooftop solar power plants

Hungary, Serbia sign MoU on green hydrogen zorana mihajlovic

Hungary, Serbia sign green hydrogen deal

25 July 2022 - The MoU was signed by Zorana Mihajlović, Minister of Mining and Energy, and László Palkovics, Minister of Technology and Industry


Petrol to install rooftop solar panels on all its gas stations

25 July 2022 - Petrol is about to equip its first 46 filling stations in Slovenia with rooftop photovoltaic systems with the help of European funds

Nofar preparing build Romania biggest solar power

Nofar preparing to build Romania’s biggest solar power plant

22 July 2022 - Israel-based Nofar Energy expanded its Romanian renewables portfolio with an advanced 255 MW solar power project

Winners announced at Croatia's first utility-scale renewables auctions

Croatia announces winners from its first utility-scale renewables auctions

22 July 2022 - The Croatian electricity market operator (HROTE) has declared 16 bids as winners, while three were rejected

wpd secures concessions for two wind farms in bih cadilj i Marino Brdo

Wpd secures concession agreements for two wind farms in BiH

22 July 2022 - The concessions represent the beginning of the implementation of a regional wind farm system with a capacity of 1.2 GW in BiH and Croatia

Two giant pumped storage hydropower Europe s renewables

Portugal, Switzerland launch pumped storage hydropower plants of over 2 GW in total

22 July 2022 - Iberdrola inaugurated its pumped storage plant Tâmega Gigabattery in Portugal and a similar facility was commissioned in Switzerland

Istria biggest Adriatic peninsula strives energy independence

Istria, biggest Adriatic peninsula, strives for energy independence

21 July 2022 - Croatia's Istria County will add solar farms of at least 10 MW each to the spatial plan and examine possibilities for offshore wind parks

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