
EU member states USB C universal charging port mobile devices

After years of efforts, EU agrees on common charger type for mobile devices

02 February 2022 - The European Council will open talks with the European Parliament to make USB-C the universal charging socket and cut electronic waste

Hydropower projects in the Federation of BiH are falling

Hydropower projects in Federation of BiH failing, KfW exits

02 February 2022 - Germany's KfW gave up on a project, ten concessions have been annulled, and a public debate on banning small hydropower plants is underway

Vinci Airports revamps Belgrade's airport energy system

Vinci Airports revamps Belgrade airport’s energy system

01 February 2022 - The Nikola Tesla Airport has put into operation a 44 MW trigeneration facility for the production of heat, electricity and cooling

HEAL Biomass one main sources air pollution Western Balkans

HEAL: Biomass is one of main sources of air pollution in Western Balkans

27 January 2022 - Health experts from HEAL demand more attention and action on the public health threat of biomass burning in the Western Balkans

Global chemical and plastic pollution out of control - safe planetary boundary exceeded

Global chemical and plastic pollution out of control – safe planetary boundary exceeded

22 January 2022 - Chemical production has increased 50-fold since 1950, and projections show output may triple by 2050

Serbia scraps spatial plan Rio Tinto lithium mining project permits

Serbia scraps spatial plan for Rio Tinto’s lithium mining project, all permits

20 January 2022 - The Government of Serbia annulled its decree on the spatial plan for Rio Tinto's lithium project and met all the environmentalists' demand, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić said

Montenegro declares nine energy projects as infrastructure priorities

Montenegro declares 13 energy projects as infrastructure priorities

20 January 2022 - The government's list of priority infrastructure includes 81 projects in the environmental protection sector

Used smartphones can be refurbished, and reused

Romania’s startup Recommerce to offer refurbished smartphones in ten countries in East Europe

20 January 2022 - The French retailer Carrefour has decided to offer customers refurbished smartphones in its stores in Romania

Carbon border tax indirect emissions from electricity european parliament report

EU should roll out CO2 border tax earlier, apply it to indirect emissions from electricity

12 January 2022 - The draft report is part of the legislative procedure for the adoption of the carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM)

EIB halts loan for Budapest Airport expansion over breach of EU environmental law

EIB halts loan for Budapest Airport expansion over breach of EU environmental law

11 January 2022 - The European Investment Bank's due diligence for the project of Hungary's main international airport lacked basic necessary documentation

Economist Nebojša Katić: Rio Tinto to benefit from Jadar/lithium project, not Serbia

Economist Nebojša Katić: Rio Tinto to benefit from Jadar lithium project, not Serbia

11 January 2022 - Economist Nebojša Katić asks what the economic benefits that Serbia expects from the opening of the Jadar lithium mine would look like

Rio Tinto says it’s halting work in Serbia, but what’s really happening?

10 January 2022 - Many landowners and others wondered what ‘on hold’ meant, when all we need is to see Rio Tinto stopped and gone.

Two nature jams become national parks - Stara Planina and Kučaj-Beljanica

Two nature gems to become national parks – Stara planina and Kučaj-Beljanica

08 January 2022 - Serbia will declare two national parks - Stara planina and Kučaj-Beljanica, both mountain areas in the eastern part of the country

NEA Severe air pollution Serbia 2021

NEA: Severe air pollution registered in Serbia in 2021

05 January 2022 - While the official report may not be published until September, NEA already issued an analysis of air pollution data in Serbia for last year

Court confirms suspension of lithium research in Valjevo region

Court confirms suspension of lithium research in Valjevo region

31 December 2021 - The High Court in Valjevo confirmed the decision of the Valjevo Basic Court to impose...

Cyanide from gold mine threatens pristine nature in eastern Serbia

Cyanide from gold mine threatens pristine nature in eastern Serbia

31 December 2021 - Dundee intends to open a gold mine and exploit ore using cyanide. Environmental and local associations are explicitly against it.

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