
Belgrade boosting energy efficiency in public firms


March 9, 2016


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March 9, 2016


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Learning Energy Efficiency Networks (LEEN) project for seven public enterprises of Belgrade was presented in the Old Palace, the town hall, by assistant mayor Borko Milosavljević. The endeavour will be implemented with the assistance of the Government of Serbia and the German state of Baden-Württemberg. Regional Agency for Development and European Integration (RADEI) of Belgrade, Energy Innovation Center Teslianum and LEEN GmbH are strategic partners. The German company provided 51% of funds for the pilot project.

“The introduction of energy efficiency, the lack of which was identified in these seven enterprises, has the aim to improve operations further, as the situation on the ground shows many economic facilities were built under the principles of energy inefficiency,” Milosavljević was quoted on the city’s portal.

Experiences in cooperation with Serbia and workers from the country are more than positive, said Johannes Jung, director of the Representation of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union. He added the regional government is implementing a number of innovative projects in cooperation with the federal authorities, as well as with the EU via the offices in Brussels. Jung, also a senior official of Germany’s foreign ministry, stressed over 30 buildings will get good technological solutions for energy efficiency, enabling better quality of services for the citizens.

Sports centres, the city fair, public and congress halls and other facilities were chosen as big consumers of electricity, according to Snežana Radinović, head of RADEI. She stressed the project was included in national priorities list, recognised by the European Commission, the state government and the energy ministry. Measures should be defined by September, she said and added that the second phase will be launched then, financed by the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, but also through other international mechanisms, with a total of EUR 11 million.


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