
Athens Electricity Forum: pace with EU energy policy must be kept

Photo: Energy Community


June 5, 2017



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June 5, 2017



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The Energy Community needs to keep pace with EU energy policy developments in order not to widen the gap between Member States’ and Energy Community Contracting Parties’ energy markets, it was stressed at the 22nd Electricity Forum.

The Forum, the Energy Community’s biggest annual conference on electricity, took place on May 31 and June 1 in Athens, gathering more than 120 stakeholders.

The Forum urged the adoption of electricity network codes or guidelines in the Contracting Parties as well as step-wise implementation of the EU Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT), the Energy Community’s statement said.

The Forum further identified the need to better prepare the legal and regulatory framework for new and emerging market functionalities, such as integration of decentralized generation, self-consumption and demand response.

The Forum welcomed enhancements in creating a trading region in South East Europe beyond the borders of the Contracting Parties.

“The progress made towards development of first pilot projects for coupling the day-ahead markets of Contracting Parties and Members States is an encouraging signal,” Director of the Energy Community Secretariat Janez Kopač underlined.

In the light of lack of related progress made in Ukraine and Moldova, the Forum encouraged these countries to resume the earlier launched Secretariat’s initiative on electricity market integration.

In the Forum’s view, the reform of the Energy Community Treaty remains an indispensable prerequisite for effective energy market enhancement in the Contracting Parties as well as for their successful integration with neighbouring EU markets.

The Forum made a strong plea for adoption of the Treaty reforms proposed by the Secretariat at the Ministerial Council in October 2017.

The participants also had an opportunity to discuss infrastructure in the region. They underlined the importance of adequate infrastructure for reaching the Energy Community’s goals of sustainability, pan-European energy market integration and security of supply.

The Forum deplored the lack of transposition of Regulation 347/2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure in all Contracting Parties, except Kosovo* and urged the countries to meet their related obligations without further delay.

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