Photo: Pixabay
The GIZ Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Energy Efficiency (GIZ ORF-EE) has launched the interactive Q&A Platform in December 2017, providing everyone interested in the topics of energy efficiency and climate, a channel to receive relevant expert advice and share their own ideas with the Fund’s team.
The initiation of the Q&A Platform ties in with the Funds’ outreach and awareness raising efforts. It is accessible through the Balkan Green Energy News web-portal, welcoming readers, stakeholders, partners and simply the general public to ask the GIZ ORF-EE about energy efficiency and climate protection, with a special focus on South-East Europe (SEE).
The ORF-EE is being implemented since 2008, in particular in Albania, Kosovo*, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia (FYR), Montenegro and Serbia. It cooperates with several regional partner networks to support energy sector reforms in SEE.
ORF-EE’s focus is on strengthening the capacities of partner countries in the field of energy efficiency and climate protection, helping them tackle pertinent challenges, such as securing an increase of energy savings and a decrease of CO2 emissions.
In the long run, the objective is to secure better quality of life for the regions’ population.
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