Photo: Twitter/AnsaldoEnergia
Italian company Ansaldo Energia said today it has been awarded contracts worth EUR 40 million to supply gas turbines and generators for 200 MW Pančevo cogeneration power plant in Serbia.
The Pančevo combined heat and power (CHP) plant is owned by TE-TO Pancevo, a joint venture between Centroenergoholding, owned by Gazprom Energholding, and Serbian oil company NIS, majority owned by Gasprom Neft.
“Ansaldo Energia has been awarded a contract by Shanghai Electric Group, worth approximately EUR 40 million, to supply Gas Turbines and Generators for Pančevo Combined Cycle Power Plant in Serbia,” Italy’s Ansaldo Energia said in a statement.
Shanghai Electric Group will be responsible for Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) on a turnkey basis.
The Pančevo cogeneration plant will produce electricity and heat using natural gas as fuel.
Under the contract with Shanghai Electric Group, Ansaldo Energia will supply two AE64.3A Gas Turbines, their WY18Z air-cooled Generators, and the relevant auxiliary systems.
Ansaldo Energia is 59.9% owned by Cdp Equity in the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Group, an Italian state-owned entity, and 40% by Shanghai Electric.
Ansaldo Energia awarded contracts worth €40m to supply gas turbines and generators for Pancevo cogeneration power plant in Serbia
— Ansaldo Energia (@AnsaldoEnergia) March 15, 2018
In October 2017 a contract for construction of a cogeneration plant in Pančevo has been signed by TE-TO Pančevo and Chinese Shanghai Electric Group.
The power and heat generated in the plant will be used in the Pančevo Refinery, owned by NIS. The start of construction is planned by mid-year while generation start is expected by the end of next year.
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