
GE focuses on efficient, responsible power consumption


April 10, 2016


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April 10, 2016


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Installing any more power production capacity in Romania has no ground, according to Cristian Colţeanu, GE’s president and chief executive for Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova. In remarks made on April 6, he pointed out consumption tops electricity generation and that electrical energy is exported. Colţeanu was quoted by Nine o’Clock portal saying the important segment is consumption, with an approach centred on efficiency and responsibility.

The engineering giant’s official revealed the company is contributing to the development of energy strategy of Romania in the capacity of a member of the Romanian-American Chamber of Commerce, but also on an individual initiative. GE’s head for three countries added it isn’t certain whether the document will be finalized by autumn. „We need a long-term energy strategy to allow Romania to contribute to energy security, enable the modernization of infrastructure, Romania’s integration with the European market and interconnections with neighboring countries,“ he said, according to the article.

Colţeanu praised the national fiscal environment as favourable for investors, adding the country has resources and human capital, parallel to potential for sustainable growth. The company plans to hire two hundred engineers by next year, on top of 900 existing employees in Romania, he revealed.

Ziarul Financiar reported the Eastern European country exported 9.8 TWh of electricity, 5% less than in 2014. According to data supplied by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (Entso-E), Romania’s power accounted for one tenth of consumption in neighbouring Bulgaria, the largest partner, purchasing 4.1 TWh, under 3% less than in the previous year. Serbia and Hungary follow with 6% and 3%, respectively. Overall power supply for clients abroad was worth EUR 360 million.

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