
Ghost town from Cyprus conflict may become smart city


February 13, 2016


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February 13, 2016


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Famagusta’s district of Varosha, also known as Kapalı Maraş, has been all but abandoned since the summer of 1974, but an ambitious plan may help its revival. In-Cyprus portal said the former tourist resort is in the focus of a bi-communal initiative, preparated in secrecy during the past year, to refurbish the crumbling hotel buildings into state-of-the-art renewable energy hubs with electronic operational systems.

Phileleftheros Group, which is at the forefront of the project, said Phidias Pilides, chief of Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, untimely and unnecessary announced the details, potentially hurting the endeavour. The official was briefed about the plans as the participation of the two domestic chambers, the Greek and Cypriot one, would have been beneficial, according to a statement by the publisher.

Nicos Anastasiades, president of the Republic of Cyprus, agreed with the idea for the concept to be presented at a bi-communal event in May, the article said. The portal adds he accepted to attend, while Mustafa Akıncı, president of the self-declared Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, was expected to decide. The conference is sponsored by Logicom and representatives of tech giants like Cisco Systems, Microsoft and Intel are supposed to be present. The blueprint envisages for Varosha to maintain zero emissions even with the new inhabitants, and also some of the old ones.

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