
Call for entries open for EU Sustainable Energy Awards


March 1, 2016


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March 1, 2016


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Innovative and effective projects in energy efficiency or renewable energy can win a European Union Sustainable Energy Award at EU’s Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW).

It takes place every year in June. A month-long series of activities – including conferences (from June 13 to 17), local sustainable energy events and the EU Sustainable Energy Awards is dedicated to building a secure energy future for Europe. The awards aim to promote energy saving and renewable energy projects and initiatives. The project must be ongoing or concluded after June 30 of last year.

The project must be based in the EU, Iceland, Norway, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Israel, Moldova, Switzerland, Faroe Islands or Ukraine.

There are several categories: consumers – for actions that lead to the behavioural change of individual energy users, public sector – for exemplary initiatives lead by public and non-profit organisations, businesses – for forward-thinking firms, and the Citizens’ Award – for the endeavour which best captures the public imagination.

The projects should have a positive public opinion and be replicable across Europe. They should be innovative with original features likely to attract EU media, they should have a measurable impact in that they help reduce energy use or bring online renewable energy which will contribute to the EU’s climate and energy goals. For example, projects should state final energy saved in KWh per year, the generation of renewable heating, cooling and electricity produced, carbon dioxide emissions avoided per year or number of jobs created. Research projects are not eligible.

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