
Government privatizes Karacaören hydropower plants


November 10, 2015


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November 10, 2015


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GAMA Enerji Holding won a tender to privatize hydro facilities Karacaören 1 and Karacaören 2, located between the city lines of Isparta and Burdur in the west of the country, at a cost of 515 million Turkish liras (EUR 168.9 million), Anadolu Agency’s Energy Terminal reported.

The installed power capacity of Karacaören 1 is 32 MW, generating 142 GWh of electricity a year. The other power plant generates 206 GWh a year with an installed electricity capacity of 47 MW. In total, 10 companies applied for the tender. After five elimination rounds, the qualifying companies then proceeded to open bidding.

The auction’s minimum limit was set at EUR 32,800 and the opening bid started with an offer of EUR 166.9 million. After one hour, GAMA won. The company develops and invests in power and water infrastructure projects in Turkey and the surrounding region.

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