
Industry invests in energy efficiency measures


September 29, 2015


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September 29, 2015


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Reduction of energy consumption in manufacturing through investments in new technologies and products was one of the most important topics of a conference organized by the Delegation of German Economy (AHK) in Serbia and the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy.

Professionals from business areas and responsible institutions in Serbia and Germany presented examples, potentials and possibilities for improvement for project financing. Among other subjects, attention was given to energy management and its benefits. The audience heard representatives of German companies: Econ Tech Theiss, Pewo Energietechnik, Arena Innovation, Viessmann, Kaeser and Bluberries. Innovative products and services were presented from the field of energy efficiency, including heating and cooling systems.

Martin Knapp, head of the German organization, stressed how Serbian enterprises have the opportunity to learn about new activities in technological renewal and important guidelines for the improvement of energy efficiency, especially in relation to the national law which entered into force in 2013.

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