The GIZ Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Energy Efficiency (ORF-EE) initiated on 27 February in Sarajevo a round of meetings on the subject of sustainable urban mobility in capital cities of South-East Europe. The mission ended on March 8 with a conclusive meeting in Priština, Kosovo*.
Recognizing the importance of the subject matter for South-East Europe, the ORF-EE intends to use findings and conclusions from these meetings to develop another project on sustainable urban mobility to be implemented in the region.
Representatives of cities, the NGO sector, ministries responsible for communications and transport, representatives of academia, public transportation companies, associations of municipalities and others gathered to discuss existing issues, including ideas and possible solutions on the subject of sustainable urban mobility in their cities.
The first meeting was held in the premises of the City of Sarajevo. Welcoming speeches were given by the Deputy Mayor of the City of Sarajevo, Milan Trivić and the GIZ ORF-EE Sector Fund Manager, Joachim Gaube, GIZ.
Trivić stated on the occasion that “this is an important meeting for them and he believes this is a step in the right direction.ʺ He further stressed that the city of Sarajevo has many issues when it comes to EE and urban transportation. He highlighted “improvements are necessary and of public interest.” Trivić welcomed the support of the GIZ ORF-EE.
Dubravka Bošnjak, ORF-EE Project Manager used the opportunity to introduce the ORF-EE Sustainable Urban Mobility project, which will be implemented regionally in the next two years. She stressed that urban mobility is crucial for the GIZ partner countries in South-East Europe.
She stated that “the goal of the meeting in Sarajevo and meetings in the region is to hear first-hand, from all relevant stakeholders, what their priorities in reference to urban mobility are and how the GIZ ORF-EE can best support its partners in this regional initiative”.
Meetings were also held in Podgorica, Skopje, Tirana, Priština, and Belgrade.
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