
Three countries fail to fulfil Energy Community obligations


May 13, 2015


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May 13, 2015


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Energy Community Secretariat said it submitted three reasoned requests on May 12 to the Ministerial Council as the next step in the dispute settlement cases against Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The secretariat seeks a decision establishing that the contracting parties concerned failed to fulfil their obligations stemming from Energy Community law by failing to adopt national renewable energy action plans. The decision will be taken at the Ministerial Council on October 16 in Tirana, the press release said.

Before the Ministerial Council will take its decision, the Energy Community Presidency and Vice-Presidency shall ask an advisory committee for its opinion on the Reasoned Request. The Ministerial Council is not bound by the opinion.

According to the rules of procedure for dispute settlement, parties with a legitimate interest in the case are granted access to the case file.

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