12 August 2022 - Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan inaugurated 34 recently hydropower plants with an estimated annual output of 2.3 TWh in total
11 April 2022 - Turkey held an auction for 300 MW in solar power within the YEKA GES-4, of 1 GW in total. Smart Güneş Teknolojileri was the lowest bidder.
08 March 2022 - Turkey allocated almost 2.8 GW in transmission grid capacity for renewables. Over 1.3 GW is for the establishment of hybrid power plants
01 October 2021 - Investors can apply on January 12 to compete for power purchase agreements for future solar power units of 10 MW, 20 MW and 30 MW
28 September 2021 - After GE Renewable Energy commissioned the first phase of the Karapınar solar power plant, Kalyon decided to order its gear for the remaining 1.08 GW
31 August 2021 - Auctions for wind parks with a total capacity of 2 GW will be held in Turkey by the end of the year through the YEKA mechanism, according to a report
16 March 2021 - Companies responded to a call for the development of solar power plants across Turkey with 9.6 times more bids than available lots
23 September 2020 - Turkey-based power utility Enerjisa Uretim has secured a EUR 650 million loan for renewable energy...
07 September 2020 - Following the start of operations of its integrated solar cell plant in Ankara, Kalyon got...
19 August 2020 - Kalyon and China’s CETC built a manufacturing complex in Ankara for all components for solar...
18 May 2020 - Turkey plans to complete the tendering procedure for 1 GW in solar power in the...
15 August 2017 - A consortium composed of Turkish Kalyon and South Korean Hanwha is set to build the...