22 December 2021 - About 200 renewables projects with an installed capacity of 13,000 megawatts are currently in the pipeline
26 November 2021 - The missing regulations and decisions were adopted yesterday by the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia and the government
25 November 2021 - The Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia (AERS) has defined the maximum purchase price for electricity produced in wind farms
05 October 2021 - The Serbian energy agency has launched public consultation on drafts methodologies for the maximum purchase price and the maximum feed-in tariff.
15 September 2021 - Serbia will hold its first auction for premiums for wind and solar in December, while a three-year schedule will be unveiled by the end of February.
09 September 2021 - The new law will be aligned to a great extent with the EU’s Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources.
02 September 2021 - The main reason for their construction are state incentives which are not in line with the rules of the EU, according to the analysis.
27 April 2021 - The Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development has prepared the Draft law on the electricity market to speed up the implementation of projects.
22 April 2021 - After the transitional period of market premiums, solar will become the main driver of electricity market liquidity in Serbia, says CWP Global's Maja Turković.
21 April 2021 - The National Assembly has endorsed the law on renewables, the law on energy efficiency, the law on energy and the law on mining.
14 April 2021 - The first auctions may be held by the end of the year, according to speakers at the First Big Conference on Solar Energy in Serbia.
29 March 2021 - The government adopted the bills on renewable energy sources, energy, energy efficiency and mining, and sent them to parliament for adoption.
18 February 2021 - After the first auction, which referred to facilities with a capacity of less than 2 MW, a new auction will be intended for large projects.
22 January 2021 - Serbia’s draft law on renewable energy sources, which introduces auctions and prosumers, is up for public consultation until February 9.
14 January 2021 - The country will offer the construction of solar power plants with installed capacity totaling 60 MW, which will be backed with premiums.
13 January 2021 - The public call for premiums and for feed-in tariffs referred to a total of 88 MW of installed renewable energy capacity.