Fit for 55

EU agrees fossil fuel car ban as climate package talks are starting

EU agrees fossil fuel car ban as climate package talks are starting

29 June 2022 - The Council of the EU and European Parliament are set for talks on the Fit-for-55 package. Both agree new combustion engines should be banned by 2035.

EU energy ministers targets renewables energy efficiency

EU energy ministers aiming at more ambitious renewables, energy efficiency targets

28 June 2022 - The Council of the EU wants to boost the renewables and energy savings targets via the Fit-for-55 package, which depends on upcoming talks

EP votes protect EU industry after CO2 border tax fully implemented

EP votes to protect EU industry even after CO2 border tax is fully implemented

23 June 2022 - MEPs want to maintain free emission allowances for industrial producers in the EU after the CO2 border tax is fully implemented in 2030

European Parliament delays decision carbon border tax CBAM

European Parliament delays decision to introduce carbon border tax – CBAM

08 June 2022 - The European Parliament rejected a set of law proposals within the Fit-for-55 climate package including the CBAM carbon border tax scheme


Energy transition in Western Balkans – how to move forward

08 April 2022 - In an op-ed for Balkan Green Energy News, energy experts Mirza Kušljugić and Damir Miljević write about the ongoing energy crisis and the energy transition in the Western Balkans.

EU Fit for 55

Revised Fit for 55: Preliminary goals show more renewables, nuclear, coal – much less natural gas

06 April 2022 - The revision of the Fit for 55 energy package calls for more renewables, coal and nuclear in order to offset a great reduction in natural gas

Coal phaseout unavoidable transition net zero emissions clean air

RES Foundation conference: Coal phaseout unavoidable in transition to net zero emissions, clean air

01 December 2021 - The RES Foundation is holding its second second annual conference in Serbia on how to win the Balkan air pollution dodgeball


Timmermans: energy price hikes should speed up green transition, not slow it down

17 September 2021 - Only about a fifth of the energy price increase can be attributed to the rising costs of CO2 emissions, while the rest is simply due to a market shortage, says the European Commission’s vice president in charge of climate issues.


Turkish exporters to EU face EUR 771 million burden due to carbon border tax

06 August 2021 - Producers of cement, aluminium, electricity, and steel could face additional costs estimated at EUR 399-771 million in 2026.


Greece sees sharpest coal emissions cut among EU coal-producing countries

19 July 2021 - Greece has achieved a 56.3% reduction in emissions in the sectors covered by the EU ETS, the third best performance among member states.

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