bulgaria renewables eso solar wind

Investors plan 17,500 MW of new renewable energy capacity by 2033 in Bulgaria – TSO

20 August 2024 - The majority, 85% of 17,500 MW of renewable energy projects, are for solar power plants, the country's TSO ESO said

East West Energy Corridor extend Turkey Montenegro

East-West Energy Corridor to extend from Turkey to Montenegro

24 July 2024 - Bulgaria's ESO received a grant from the US for a feasibility study for the proposed East-West Energy Corridor between Turkey and Montenegro

bulgaria solar eso grid

Bulgaria to add 1,500 MW of solar power capacity in 2024

22 February 2024 - Dimitar Zarchev said there is a need for flexibility capacity for times of surplus production of energy, to use it when it is needed


Green electricity corridor envisaged to run from Greece to Poland

27 September 2023 - A proposed corridor between Greece and Poland would carry solar power from the Balkans to northwestern Europe and wind power in the opposite direction

grid investments romania bulgaria transelectrica eso

Bulgaria, Romania to invest EUR 2.4 billion in total in power grids

09 November 2022 - Transmisison system operators Transelectrica and ESO have prepared ten-year development plans for the period through 2031

ESO to be fit to connect 4,500 MW of new power plants by 2024

Bulgarian system operator plans to connect 4.5 GW of new capacities by 2024

03 June 2022 - Bulgaria’s transmission system operator will finish necessary investments 18 months earlier then planned

Bulgaria add 4 9 GW renewables capacity transmission grid 2031

Bulgaria plans to add 4.9 GW in renewables capacity by 2031

28 March 2022 - The Electricity System Operator – ESO of Bulgaria said it sees a 5.9 GW increase in capacity by 2031, of which 4.9 GW would be in renewables

Bulgaria 10 000 chargers electric vehicles five years

Bulgaria targets 10 thousand EV chargers by 2027

15 March 2022 - Bulgaria's ESO signed a cooperation agreement with other stakeholders to set a target of installing 10,000 charging stations with green electricity

State aid for businesses, power companies in Bulgaria could reach up to EUR 1 billion

State aid for businesses, power companies in Bulgaria may reach EUR 1 billion

04 January 2022 - The Bulgarian government has secured an additional EUR 650 million for businesses and energy companies due to the energy crisis

Bulgaria-Romania day-ahead market coupling completed

Bulgaria-Romania day-ahead market coupling completed

27 October 2021 - The Bulgaria-Romania electricity market project integrated their border into the European single day-ahead market coupling

Transformation innovation in energy sector Elena Boskov Kovacs

Transform and innovate if you want to remain a player in energy sector

30 August 2021 - Innovations are becoming increasingly important in the energy sector, which, though a traditional and regulated one, today is at a huge turning point. Ultimately, if you want to remain a player in the energy sector, in the long run, it is essential to continue to transform and innovate, says Elena Boskov Kovacs.

2 GW renewable energy grid connection Bulgaria

2 GW of renewable energy projects apply for grid connection in Bulgaria

19 May 2021 - The TSO of Bulgaria received requests for connecting 1.97 GW in renewable energy projects to the grid, over four times more than in the same period of 2020.

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