Photo: Wengen from Pixabay
Bulgarian district heating utility Toplofikacia Sofia has launched tendering for the construction of a combined heat and power (CHP) facility which will be part of the waste management system in the country’s capital.
The investment is estimated at EUR 150 million, while offers can be submitted until March 15.
The facility will burn a refuse derived fuel (RDF) to produce heat for the district heating system and electricity which will be delivered to the grid.
The CHP plant represents part of the development of the Integrated System of Municipal Waste Treatment Facilities for Sofia Municipality. The system includes separate waste collection, treatment facilities for bio and green waste as well as a Mechanical and Biological Treatment (MBT) plant which produces RDF.
The plant will have a capacity of about 21 MW for gross power and 49 MW for heat.
The construction will be financed with a EUR 43 million loan approved by the European Investment Bank (EIB), and with funds from the Operational Program Environment 2014-2020.
The new system will be compliant with the EU and national legislation and allow Sofia Municipality to achieve targets set by the EU’s environmental acquis communautaire, according to the EIB.
Bulgaria has difficulties in achieving recycling targets set out in the EU directives, securing waste treatment infrastructure, and implementing waste prevention policies.
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