
Slovaks to build pellet production plant in Macedonia

Photo: Pixabay


February 9, 2017



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February 9, 2017



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The Slovak company Holz-consulting will build a plant for the production of fuel pellet from agricultural and forestry waste in Macedonia.

According to Macedonian media, the state-owned forestry company Makedonski šumi has signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Slovak pellet and pellet stoves producer Holz-consulting. The Slovak company will invest EUR 10 million in the plant and employ 500 workers.

The Macedonian company will provide raw materials and logistic assistance for the plant construction.

The location of the plant is still unknown as Holz-consulting is considering two possible sites. The decision will be made within the next two weeks, the media reported. So far it is known that the location should be near Corridor 10 and the railway.

Holz-consulting plans to export the biomass pellets made from forestry and agricultural waste before mainly to Italy. Five to seven percent of the production will be sold to Macedonian customers. The company plans to rely not only on raw materials from Macedonia but also to import materials from the USA and Ukraine.

Holz-consulting, the company based in Trenčin, Slovakia, was established in 2012 with the goal to provide efficient heating solutions at a low cost. The investment in the pellet production plant in Macedonia will be followed by the construction of a plant for the production of pellet stoves, according to the announcements.

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