
Security cooperation initiative for Southeastern Europe


April 29, 2015


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April 29, 2015


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Transmission system operators of Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Montenegro have set up Southeastern Europe’s first regional security cooperation initiative (RSCI), European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (Entso-E) said on its website. On April 21 the general managers of PE EMS (Belgrade) and NOS BiH (Sarajevo), Nikola Petrović and Josip Dolić respectively, and the president of the CGES’ (Podgorica) Board of Directors Dragan Laketić signed the contract for the establishment of the Security Coordination Center Ltd. Belgrade (SCC).

SCC is established as a company with the objective to develop necessary services defined by Entso-E’s policy paper ’Core strategy for TSO Coordination’ and ’Future TSO Coordination for Europe’ in order to fulfill operational planning standards.

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