Photo: Pixabay
Romania’s total electric energy consumption in January – July period increased by 9.2 % compared to the same period last year, and reached 32181.7 million KWh, National Statistics Institute (INS) reported.
Romania’s domestic energy production amounted to 11841.2 thousand toe, decreasing from 918.5 thousand toe compared to the same period the year before. At the same time imports amounted to 6782.2 thousand toe, while according to statistic data, the exports of electric energy amounted to 4652.1 million KWh, decreasing to 1090.1 million KWh.
Electric energy resources amounted to 40366.2 million KWh, increasing to 1396.0 million KWh (increased by 3.6 %) compared to the same period of 2015. The own technological consumption in networks and stations amounted to 3532.4 million KWh decreasing with 236.7 million KWh. When it comes to the thermal power stations production, it amounted to 14360.7 million KWh decreasing with 409.0 million KWh ( decreased by 2.8 % ). The hydroelectric power stations production was 12575.1 million KWh increasing with 1432.7 million kWh (12.9 % increase ), while the one of nuclear power stations was 6251.8 million KWh decreasing to 314.9 million kWh (decreased by 4.8 %).
In January-July period the production of wind power stations was 3658.0 million KWh, increasing from 368.4 million KWh, while photovoltaic solar energy production during this period reached 1195.1million KWh, increasing to 175.4 million KWh compared to the same period of 2015.
During the first seven months of the year, the main primary energy resources amounted to18623.4 thousand tonnes oil equivalent (toe), decreasing to 328.6 thousand toe compared to the same period last year.