
Representatives of Turkish dairy industry visit BiH


January 12, 2016


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January 12, 2016


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Sütaş Süt Ürünleri AŞ, which generates 30 GWh of electricity per year from stable and production waste, presented its activities to dairy companies and the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Šemsudin Dedić, the responsible minister in the government of the entity, spoke with Haydar Yılmaz and İlhan İla, representatives of the Turkish company, and Sedat Yıldız, economic counsellor from the country’s embassy in Sarajevo.

The minister spoke to the guests about the challenges for the sector in the current negotiations about a stabilization and association agreement with the European Union, especially in the segment of traditional trade with neighbouring Croatia, an EU member, as there is concern that abolition of import  tariffs would destroy the local economy, where dairy producers are particularly vulnerable. Officials from Sütaş told Dedić about the company’s plans to expand in the Western Balkans countries, with focus on milk production in BiH. The Turkish enterprise implements an integrated manufacturing system with highly efficient technology for the processing of raw material and recycling, they said.

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