
Rental property energy certificates to be abolished


February 17, 2016


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February 17, 2016


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Lovro Kuščević, new minister of construction and physical planning, said on state television HRT he decided to annul the rule rental property needs an energy certificate, after consulting the Ministry of Tourism and many experts. Energy legislation, which came into effect on January 1, obligates those who rent or lease out accommodation in Croatia to obtain the document. Immovables are rated from grade A+ (the most efficient) to G. An inspection cannot be failed; the rating is rather aimed to help long-term renters in assessing monthly utility costs.

European directives state nothing about certification of apartments for rent, according to Kuščević, who claims the legal frame was thoroughly studied. He said a team of experts is working on a decree to be signed immediately.

An energy certificate costs between between EUR 120 and 330, while fines for not possessing one range from 70 euro cents to EUR 4,000.

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