
Metka EGN launches works at Oriana’s solar power plant in Puerto Rico


March 7, 2016


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March 7, 2016


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Oriana Energy, a partnership between Sonnedix Group and Yarotek, headquartered in the United States, began construction of a 45 MW solar plant at Isabela municipality in Purto Rico in early March, SeeNews reported. Greece-based company Metka EGN will build, commission and operate the facility. Athens-listed firm Metka, owner of 50.1% of the subsidiary, is a member of the Mytilineos Group.

Oriana will invest more than USD 160 million (EUR 146.1 million) in the solar farm. Grid connection is scheduled for August, the project developer said in a statement. It is expected to generate over 125,000 MWh annually. Touted as the largest photovoltaic (PV) power plant in the Caribbean, the project is expected to be completed by the end of the year, said Puerto Rico’s governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla. More renewable energy investments are expected on the island, according to the government.

Sonnedix has one other solar park in Puerto Rico, of 15.5 MW, which became operational in July.

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