
Government issues energy infrastructure decree


March 23, 2016


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March 23, 2016


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A new document regulates facilities, devices, networks and systems in energy infrastructure, as well as its management in the related industry. The decree issued by the Government of Slovenia covers power and gas distribution and networks, the system for liquid natural gas, the systems for liquefied petroleum gas, for the production and storage of natural gas, generation and distribution of district heating, as well as for other energy gases and the production of electricity and bringing it online for transmission and distribution, according to a report by Naš stik portal.

The document determines responsibility for keeping records of energy infrastructure and its content. The needed data includes the type of facility, device or network, basic technical information, who the owner and user are, potential load, maintenance and works performed. The contractor is obligated to report to the responsible ministry within 15 days from the request.

The new decree abolished the obligation to obtain the government’s approval for registering or removal from records of energy infrastructure, so the document does not anymore regulate mounting and connecting devices on electric power grid. The article adds the administrative obstacles are reduced for devices with weaker effect due to dimensions and safety features. Still, penalties remain for installing devices which are against regulation in the decree, the article adds.

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