Photo: Petar Ubiparip from Pixabay
After 21 years, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is very close to adopting a new air protection law. Air pollution is a big issue in BiH and its cities often rank among the most polluted in the world.
The House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has adopted the Draft Law on Air Protection, the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism said. Its bill was supported by 77 lawmakers while none were against it and one was restrained.
Minister Nasiha Pozder noted that the law is under joint jurisdiction with the cantons. It was prepared, in her words, in consultation with experts, non-governmental organizations, and cantonal ministries.
The Federation of BiH, consisting of ten cantons, is one of the two entities that form Bosnia and Herzegovina. The other one is called the Republic of Srpska.
Pozder said that in addition to the new law, the way the BiH’s economy is managed must be changed. It has to be a leader in decarbonization and energy transition while the government must secure subsidies and support, she added.
The law adopted in 2003 was last time amended in 2010
“We have to change our habits, our attitude towards public transport and cars, the way we heat our homes. We are consuming too much energy,” Pozder said.
She pointed out the current law dates back to 2003 and that it was last amended in 2010. However, in her words, the air quality in the country has worsened.
The condition in Tuzla, Zenica and Sarajevo, but also in Kakanj, Maglaj and Lukavac, requires urgent action and measures resulting from the new law, she explained.
The new law regulates the issue of household heating boilers and fireplaces, unlike before
The new law defines more clearly the issue of jurisdiction, the role of cantons and local municipalities in air quality monitoring, the role of inspections in areas such as the environment, urban planning and construction. The document also regulates the issue of household heating, which is a novelty.
“The law also defines the cooperation of cantons in the development of air quality protection plans, intervention plans, their content and actions when the pollution is high, the financing schemes, the establishment of registers of polluters,” Pozder explained and added that air pollution has to become a priority.
The bill was passed to the House of Peoples of the FBiH Parliament. The ministry expects it would come into force within weeks.
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