
European wind turbine orders jump to record 15 GW in 2020

wind turbines orders windeurope

Photo: Bishnu Sarangi from Pixabay


January 22, 2021



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January 22, 2021



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European countries ordered 15 GW of new wind turbines last year, an increase of 74% against 2019.

Despite the ongoing pandemic, both onshore and offshore orders saw an increase in sales, according to WindEurope.

Sweden ordered the most onshore turbines

The United Kingdom ordered the most wind turbine capacity, 4.4 GW, followed by the Netherlands, with 2.4 GW, and Sweden, with 1.4 GW.

The most capacity for offshore wind was ordered by the UK

Sweden ordered the most onshore turbines, followed by the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. For offshore wind, the most capacity was ordered by the UK, which was followed by the Netherlands.

France and Germany also ordered a significant amount of offshore turbines, but stalling wind energy expansion in both countries led to lower orders than in previous years, WindEuropehas said on its website.

Onshore orders grew 13%, and offshore orders six-fold

European countries ordered 8.2 GW of onshore wind turbines – a 13% increase compared to 2019. Offshore orders grew six-fold compared to the previous year, to 6.4 GW, WindEurope’s Wind Turbine Order Monitoring 2020 reads.

The 104 orders came from 19 different countries over the year.

The full WindEurope Wind Turbine Order Monitoring 2020 includes additional details on new orders by wind turbine manufacturers, turbine models, average power ratings, and turbine specifications.

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