
EU Court rules against wind park projects in Kaliakra


January 18, 2016


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January 18, 2016


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The Court of Justice of the European Union said it ruled that Bulgaria failed to fulfil its obligations under European law by approving the implementation of several projects for wind farms and a golf course in the northeast of the country. The state should pay the costs of the process, the court said and SeeNews reported.

Projects in question are AES Geo Energy, Disib and Longman Investment, located in the territory of the important bird area covering the Kaliakra region which was not classified as a special protection area, although it should have been, according to the ruling. The state also approved implementation of irregular projects Kaliakra Wind Power, EVN Enertrag Kavarna and Vertikal — Petkov & Cie, and of the Thracian Cliffs Golf & Spa Resort in special protection areas covering the regions of Kaliakra and Belite Skali, respectively, the court said.

Bulgaria failed to assess properly the cumulative effect of the projects Windtech, Brestiom, Eco Energy and Longman Investment in the territory of the important bird area covering the Kaliakra region which was not classified as a special protection area, although it should have been, and none the less authorised the implementation of the Longman Investment project, the court added.


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