Photo: EPS
The overhaul of four units of hydroelectric power plant Đerdap 1 has increased the plant’s installed capacity by 60 MW, which will result in its electricity generation increasing by 90 million kWh, or 2% of last year’s production.
Having completed the revitalization of hydro generators A4, A5 and A6, state-owned power company Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) has completed works on unit A1, as part of a project launched in 2009 to overhaul all six generators at Đerdap 1. The overhaul is to extend the hydro generators’ lifespan by 30 years and increase their capacity by 10%. The project is worth a total of USD 168 million.
Minister of Mining and Energy Aleksandar Antić said that Serbia started modernizing the units because Đerdap 1’s life expectancy was at an end.
“Four aggregates have been revitalized so far, and we have received about 60 MW of new installed capacity. It could bring us about 90 million kilowatt-hours of additional electricity output at times of high water,” Antić said.
According to the energy minister, it could be said that EPS has gained an entire new hydroelectric power plant through the revitalization of Djerdap 1 so far.
“The increase in installed capacity is equal to a new generator or plant that will operate at full capacity for the next 30 years and provide us with an opportunity to improve balancing in the system,” he added.
Antić said that EPS is going through a difficult period regarding production from hydropower plants due to low water levels. This situation has led to a decrease in hydropower plants’ production by 20% compared to 2016, and the decline needed to be offset with coal production, which has been up by more than 700,000 tons compared to the previous year.
Acting director of Elektroprivreda Srbije Milorad Grčić said that the revitalization has increased the installed capacity of generator A1 by 10%, or 17 MW, to 195 MW. He recalled that the unit’s reconstruction is worth EUR 32 million.
“The overhaul of A1 started more than two years ago. There was a lot of problems with both the contractor and in the technical part, but our persistence and a series of talks with partners and friends from Russia, representatives of Silovye Mashiny, helped unblock the process,” Grčić said.
Contract signed 8 years ago
The revitalization agreement for Djerdap 1 was signed in March 2009. The equipment is being delivered by Russia’s Silovye Mashiny, which is the main partner, though many domestic companies are also involved.
The USD 168 million investment is financed through the settlement of a USD 100.5 million clearing debt of the former USSR, while the rest is provided by EPS.
Đerdap 1 was put into operation 37 years ago and so far it has produced 35 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity. The average annual electricity generation of Đerdap 1 is 5.65 billion kilowatt-hours, and the installed capacity is 1,140 MW.
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