Photo: Pixabay
The Energy Efficiency Coordination Group Meeting (EECG), which was held on June 28 in Vienna, featured a session on monitoring and reporting on the implementation of obligations arising from the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU). The Directive is to become obligatory in October 2017 for all Energy Community (EnC) contracting parties.
The session addressed the needs and necessary steps for defining and setting of energy efficiency targets to be achieved by all Energy Community (EnC) contracting parties by 2020. The working session was moderated by GIZ ORF-EE project representatives and included the presentation of the progress monitoring and reporting template. Developed by the GIZ ORF-EE project, the template is to be used by the contracting parties for their First Annual Reports as required under the Energy Efficiency Directive (EDD).
The session, also serving as a mini work-shop, featured provision of advise and recommendations by ORF-EE Expert Armin Teskeredžić on the selection of quality sources and data collection for effective report preparation, including a reflection on major legislative and non-legislative measures important in contributing towards fulfillment of 2020 targets.
The template is laid out as such to include data referring to the level of fulfillment of obligations under each specific article of the EED. It also contains information on implementation progress in the different sectors, including primary and final energy consumption values. The template links reporting elements with the EED targets and the implementation roadmap as to allow for a smooth transition from reporting requirements under the old Energy End-Use Efficiency and Energy Services Directive to requirements under the upcoming Energy Efficiency Directive.
Jasna Sekulović, GIZ ORF-EE Manager stated on the occasion that the template will be used for all future reports which are mandatory for all the EnC contracting parties.
During the EECG meeting it was concluded that the ORF-EE, in the coming period, will also provide support to the contracting parties from South-East Europe through necessary mentoring support focusing on the preparation of the pending report and other relevant obligations.
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