

Both science and faith: Church of England selling stakes in oil, gas companies over lack of climate action

27 June 2023 - The church intends to divest its holdings in the remaining 11 oil and gas companies in its investment portfolio by the end of 2023

outlook IRENA green power capacity triple 2030 tackle climate change

IRENA: World’s green power capacity must triple by 2030 to tackle climate change

23 June 2023 - The energy transition is off track and each fraction of a degree in global warming can have far-reaching consequences, IRENA's outlook shows

Climate change conference in Bonn: 2023 is key for global climate decisions

22 June 2023 - Participants at the climate conference in Bonn agreed that 2023 is crucial to correct the course and get on track to limit global warming


IRENA presents 100 key innovations to help speed up smart electrification

22 June 2023 - IRENA offers guidance to countries on how to apply these innovations in their national energy transition strategies


EY gives Greece top score in its renewables market index

21 June 2023 - If the advantages of large economies for green energy investments are excluded, Greece is the world's top market, RECAI update showed

Global Market Outlook for solar power 2023-2027

Despite rising costs, solar is unstoppable – Global Market Outlook 2023-2027

16 June 2023 - In 2022 the world installed 239 GW of new solar, finally crossing the 1 TW...


Global Wind Day: Wind power capacity to pass 1 TW milestone by end-2023

15 June 2023 - Global Wind Day, celebrated on June 15, is dedicated to the power of wind and its potential to reshape energy systems

WMO Global temperatures poised to set new record in next five years

WMO: Global temperatures poised to set new record within five years

18 May 2023 - There is a 98% likelihood that at least one of the next five years, and the five-year period as a whole, will be the warmest on record

Solar power in sports Galatasaray Guiness World Records Enerjisa

Solar power in sports

18 May 2023 - Although rarely thought of as a sector deeply interested in renewable forms of power production, sport offers a great opportunity for applying solar technologies

How looks like the construction of the largest floating wind farm

This is how world’s largest floating wind farm is built

26 April 2023 - Mammoet, which is installing the largest floating wind farm, claims they would become the most cost-effective renewable energy technology

Earth Day 2023 Invest in Our Planet climate literacy global cleanup

Earth Day 2023: Invest in Our Planet with climate literacy, global cleanup

17 April 2023 - A series of both virtual events and gatherings are being held as part of the first-ever Earth Week, culminating on Earth Day, April 22

Pro-nuclear members G7 stress nuclear energy role decarbonization

Pro-nuclear members of G7 stress nuclear energy’s role in decarbonization

17 April 2023 - Right after Germany shut down its last reactors, the pro-nuclear countries in the G7 praised nuclear energy's potential

Forever chemical threatens female decreased fertility

14 April 2023 - New research show that higher exposures PFAS chemicals, also known as the forever chemicals, are associated with decreased fertility in women


Ember: World’s electricity sector hits peak emissions in 2022 on wind, solar expansion

12 April 2023 - Emissions from power plants rose in 2022, but change is coming fast with the rise in output from clean sources, according to Ember

Coal plant project cancelations accelerate 2022 except China

Coal plant project cancelations accelerate in 2022 – except in China

07 April 2023 - Operating and planned coal power capacity fell in most of the world in 2022, but China keeps adding projects

decarbonizing steel industry hydrogen profitability

Study shows decarbonizing steel industry with hydrogen is nearing profitability

06 April 2023 - A viable investment case for primary steel projects with near-zero emissions is within reach in Europe and North America, ETC claims

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