10 August 2021 - Since the beginning of 2020, the G20 countries have committed at least USD 296 billion for fossil fuels and USD 227 billion for renewables.
09 August 2021 - Only a drastic CO2 emission cut can prevent the worst global warming scenario, but the 1.5-degree level will still be hit by 2040, IPCC said
05 August 2021 - CATL's sodium ion batteries are entering the market in 2023. They could become more competitive than lithium-based solutions.
04 August 2021 - By the July 30 deadline, 110 parties to the Paris Agreement or 58% submitted new or updated nationally determined contributions or NDCs.
28 July 2021 - After the pandemic caused a decrease in the use of resources in 2020, the world returned to business as usual and matched the worst result ever.
22 July 2021 - Elon Musk has confirmed that electric car maker Tesla intends to make its fast chargers available to vehicles from other brands this year.
14 July 2021 - While the US is the world’s biggest generator of plastic waste, India is responsible for dumping the largest amounts of plastics into the ocean.
07 July 2021 - Swiss solar tech startup Insolight has developed translucent solar modules that can help improve crop yield.
02 July 2021 - Danish plastic construction toy producer Lego Group has unveiled a prototype brick made from recycled plastic.
02 July 2021 - Speeding up energy transitions to achieve the 1.5°C global warming target could boost the world's GDP by 2.4% per year within the next decade compared with current plans, IRENA says.
23 June 2021 - The cost of electricity from utility-scale solar PV fell by 85 percent, according to Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2020.
03 June 2021 - The United Nations declared the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration would begin on June 5, the World Environment Day.
28 May 2021 - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is considering the possibility to tax imports for carbon, according to media reports
28 May 2021 - The court has ruled environment minister Sussan Ley has a duty of care to protect Australia’s youth from the climate crisis
25 May 2021 - The group of the wealthiest developed countries became "net zero G7" this year as they all vowed to eliminate net emissions by 2050.
20 May 2021 - People are concerned how mankind treats nature, they are changing their behavior, and demanding stronger action to protect the planet.