29 January 2024 - The Zeleni Hrastnik energy cooperative has set up a PV plant on the roof of the elementary school in the town of Hrastnik
29 January 2024 - Energy solutions provider Aggreko, with headquarters in Glasgow, Scotland, has acquired Slovenia’s energy service firm Resalta
18 January 2024 - The Strategic Council for Energy Transition has revealed the results of a study on the energy transition of the country's industry
18 January 2024 - The country has also entered the list of the top ten European Union member countries in installed solar power capacity per capita
08 January 2024 - State-owned Holding Slovenske elektrarne is preparing for the possibility of spinning off its coal assets: thermal power plant TEŠ and a mine
21 December 2023 - CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz answered several questions frequently asked by investors and other participants in the energy market in Slovenia
01 December 2023 - According to Eurostat, more than 41 million people in Europe were unable to adequately heat their homes in 2021.
01 December 2023 - Incentives are another attempt to speed up wind farm projects in Slovenia, which hosts only three wind turbines
23 November 2023 - The Supervisory Board of Petrol appointed member of the Management Board Sašo Berger as the new chief executive
20 November 2023 - Pipelines in the Krško nuclear plant were replaced as a precaution due to a leakage detected on the reducer section in early October
20 October 2023 - Slovenia's capital city established a public-private partnership for the construction of 51 photovoltaic units on public buildings
20 October 2023 - Porsche Slovenija has entered into a strategic partnership with smart grid and storage management solutions company NGEN
19 October 2023 - If you are looking to invest in an energy project in Slovenia, we invite you to submit any questions about the regulatory framework to CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz
06 October 2023 - Krško nuclear power plant is located 100 kilometers east of Slovenia’s capital Ljubljana, close to the border with Croatia
28 September 2023 - Slovenian company NGEN is currently installing a 70 MW / 140 MWh battery in Slovenia and a 50 MW / 100 MWh facility in Croatia
26 September 2023 - This month marked the completion of the installation of the first LEITWIND LTW42 250 kW turbine in Razdrto, a village in the municipality of Postojna, Slovenia