10 September 2021 - Power plant and coal mine Velenje are in financial difficulties, which forced their owner HSE to ask for help from the Slovenian government.
09 September 2021 - Cement maker Salonit Anhovo has agreed cooperation with hydropower company Soške Elektrarne with the aim of decarbonizing production through solar power and green hydrogen projects.
27 August 2021 - The temperature in Slovenia is rising two times faster compared to global average, so the state must help the agricultural sector.
13 August 2021 - Dravske hidroelektrarne Maribor is about to start building a 2.7 MW photovoltaic facility next to its hydropower plant Zlatoličje, the largest in Slovenia.
12 August 2021 - The goal of the new law on renewables is to transpose the legislative acts of the Clean Energy for All Europeans package.
05 August 2021 - In Croatia, near Knin, Petrol started the operation of its second wind farm. The Ljubač facility, which has nine turbines, didn't get any grants or incentives.
21 July 2021 - Minister Andrej Vizjak said a plebiscite should be held on Slovenia's overall energy plans and not just on the second nuclear reactor for Krško
20 July 2021 - An energy permit for a second unit of Slovenian nuclear power plant Krško has been issued, but a final decision on the project has yet to be made.
13 July 2021 - In the referendum on drinking water, 86.6 percent of citizens voted against the changes of the water act adopted by the parliament.
07 July 2021 - HSE is building Slovenia's biggest PV plant, of 3 MW, at a former coal plant landfill in Prapretno, and plans to expand it to 16 MW
22 June 2021 - The government has published action plans for phasing out coal, documents which will help Slovenia to apply at Just transition fund.
11 June 2021 - Minister Andrej Vizjak says the Government of Slovenia would determine concession areas and help municipalities build three incinerators
11 June 2021 - Slovenian energy trader GEN-I prepared a EUR 1 billion strategic development plan to accelerate decarbonization in the country.
08 June 2021 - Activists in Slovenia managed to get enough signatures to hold a referendum in an attempt to discard the recent amendments to the Waters Act.
14 May 2021 - Organizers of the annual Bled Water Festival in Slovenia expanded their activities by establishing the European Water Sommelier Association or EWSA
11 May 2021 - Holding Slovenske elektrarne is preparing to lay the foundation stone in Prapretno in two months for Slovenia's biggest solar power plant