30 November 2021 - The Serbian government has extended its decision from the end of October, when it caped prices for November
29 November 2021 - Lithium mining projects, pollution and environmental protection issues are igniting large protests almost every day in Serbia
26 November 2021 - The missing regulations and decisions were adopted yesterday by the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia and the government
26 November 2021 - The Municipality of Žagubica is making preparations for the first wind farm on its territory. Gornjak is planned for a capacity of 200 MW.
25 November 2021 - The Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia (AERS) has defined the maximum purchase price for electricity produced in wind farms
24 November 2021 - Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić noted that the country is considering the idea with Russia's state nuclear construction company Rosatom
17 November 2021 - There were massive positive changes in the renewable energy market since the last Hard Talk with Serbia, participants concluded in a two-day debate
17 November 2021 - The Ministry of Mining and Energy will provide EUR 230 million for subsidies for energy efficiency measures and installation of solar panels
17 November 2021 - Serbia plans to hold a roundtable and workshops for investors before its first renewable energy auction, State Secretary Atanacković said
16 November 2021 - Distribution system operator EDS will soon launch a public call for a consultant for the procurement of smart meters
11 November 2021 - Minister Mihajlović has said all Chinese companies are welcome to work on large infrastructural projects in power generation and renewable energy in Serbia.
11 November 2021 - The government determined a 400 MW quota for wind power for upcoming renewable energy auctions. The first one should be held by year-end.
11 November 2021 - UNECE is organizing an online Hard Talk event on November 16 and 17 about renewable energy auctions and government support for the sector in Serbia.
04 November 2021 - State-owned power utilities Elektroprivreda Crne Gore (EPCG) and Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) are close to starting the construction
04 November 2021 - Serbia has prepared a draft air protection program for the period 2022-2030 with an action plan for addressing air pollution
04 November 2021 - The Serbian government has ordered state power utility EPS to keep electricity prices for business customers unchanged until the end of November.