
Germany abolish renewables surcharge power consumers

Germany plans to abolish renewables surcharge paid by power consumers

05 February 2021 - Within five years, the item in electricity bills for stimulating green power in Germany could be scrapped. An average family now pays EUR 413 per year

EU MPs carbon border tax all energy-intensive industries

EU MPs want carbon border tax to apply for for all energy-intensive industries

04 February 2021 - Members of the European Parliament want the tax to be rolled out for oil products, glass, paper and aluminium as well.


Survey: Environmental impact remains important to businesses despite COVID-19 crisis

03 February 2021 - Environmental and social impact issues remain of high importance for businesses even amid the ongoing crisis, according to a survey commissioned by Epson and Iris.


Jovana V. Milić: Serbian scientist from top Swiss university honored with Green Talents Award

02 February 2021 - Jovana is among 25 young researchers honored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research for their contribution to sustainable development.

vestager state aid European Battery Innovation

EU backs EUR 2.9 billion in state aid for battery project in 12 states including Croatia, Greece

28 January 2021 - The European Commission has approved public funding to be provided for 42 SMEs and start-ups in the battery sector.


Spain gets Europe’s lowest wind energy price with CfD auction model

28 January 2021 - Spain has secured lowest ever price for new wind energy in Europe, of EUR 20 per MWh, thanks to the Contract-for-Difference (CfD) model.

entso e ernestinovo system separation continental europe

Breakdown of Continental Europe synchronous area started in Croatia

28 January 2021 - A malfunction in Croatia’s substation Ernestinovo was the initial event that led to a split into two grid regions on January 8.


CMS Ukraine: Overview of the hydrogen power industry’s prospects in Ukraine

27 January 2021 - Until recently, the development of the hydrogen power industry was hampered by the high cost of renewable energy and the insufficient advances in technology.


Renewables overtake fossil fuels in EU power generation for first time ever

26 January 2021 - For the first time ever, the EU has produced more electricity in a year from renewable energy sources than from fossil fuels.

wind turbines orders windeurope

European wind turbine orders jump to record 15 GW in 2020

22 January 2021 - The United Kingdom ordered the most wind turbine capacity, 4.4 GW, followed by the Netherlands, with 2.4 GW, and Sweden, with 1.4 GW.

distribution grids connecting the dots study

Distribution grids need EUR 375-425 billion through 2030 to be fit for transformed power system

22 January 2021 - Investments must be raised by 50-70% in the 2020s, according to the landmark study conducted by industry bodies Eurelectric and E.DSO.


IBEX expects day-ahead market coupling with Greece, Romania this year

21 January 2021 - The coupling of Bulgaria’s day-ahead electricity market with those in Greece and Romania is expected this year, according to the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX).

carbon pricing-Energy Community

Gradual introduction of carbon pricing with market integration recommended for Energy Community

21 January 2021 - A gradual introduction of carbon pricing coupled with full market integration is recommended as the best option for the Energy Community Contracting Parties.

carbon border tax timmermans

Carbon border tax needed to ensure “survival” of EU’s industry

20 January 2021 - The EU will introduce it on non-EU countries unless they commit to lowering their emissions, according to Frans Timmermans.

entso e system separation continental europe area january 2021

How the Continental Europe synchronous area was split into two grid regions

19 January 2021 - Due to outages of several transmission network elements, the area was split into two grid regions on January 8, from 14:05 to 15:08 CET.

coal subsidies Energy Community

Energy Community calls on Contracting Parties to reassess coal subsidies

19 January 2021 - The Energy Community Secretariat has sent letters to national authorities of six Contracting Parties urging...

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