
Marine Le Pen France abolish wind power elected president

Marine Le Pen says France would abolish wind power if she is elected president

15 October 2021 - National Rally's Marine Le Pen vowed to halt subsidies for solar and wind and close wind farms if she wins the French presidential election


EU raises EUR 12 billion in world’s largest green bond issuance

13 October 2021 - The EU's sale of EUR 12 billion in debt securities, the biggest so far on a global scale, attracted record demand as well

Ten member states urge EU nuclear power low carbon energy

Ten member states urge EU to mark nuclear power as low-carbon energy

13 October 2021 - Ten states including Slovenia, Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria want nuclear power to be recognized as low-carbon technology in the EU.


12 Mediterranean cities, organizations seek innovative solutions for harnessing marine energy

12 October 2021 - The projects include using seawater energy for heating and cooling, harnessing wave energy to generate electricity, and turning seaweed into biofuel.

CWP, Mercuria join forces to build 2 GW of renewables in Southeast Europe

CWP, Mercuria join forces to build 2 GW of renewables in Southeast Europe

12 October 2021 - CWP and Mercuria Energy Trading have set up a joint venture to complete and build out CWP 's renewables portfolio in Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, and Ukraine.

Western Balkan countries global top 10 coal power output share

Western Balkan countries are in global top 10 in coal’s power output share

08 October 2021 - Kosovo* is ranked second in the world for its share of coal in domestic electricity production, trailing only Botswana. Serbia is seventh and BiH is tenth

waste incineration under EU ETS generates climate, employment benefits

Including waste incineration in EU ETS would bring climate, employment benefits

08 October 2021 - Including waste incineration in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) would encourage waste prevention...

EU measures curb electricity gas prices

Here is how EU intends to curb impact of electricity, gas price spike

07 October 2021 - There are enough reserves for the winter and gas prices should decrease in spring, EU Commissioner Simson said and promised to ease the impact.

Electricity prices rockets 80 percent just in one day - from EUR 180 to EUR 320

Electricity price rockets 80 percent just in one day – from EUR 180 to EUR 320

07 October 2021 - The price of electricity on European power exchanges yesterday recorded an unprecedented rise of more than EUR 140 per MWh.

EU Western Balkans Green Agenda Action Plan

Adopted Green Agenda Action Plan for Western Balkans brings EUR 9 billion in grants, 2024 deadline to align with EU ETS

06 October 2021 - The EU prepared a EUR 30 billion investment package and the Western Balkans must implement climate action reforms from Green Agenda Action Plan

Gender equality workshop NEXUS Drin river basin

Role of women in sustainable management of natural resources in Drin river basin – register for workshop

01 October 2021 - GWP-Med will hold an online workshop on the gender equality factor in the Drin river basin through the prism of the water-energy-food-ecosystems nexus

EU help power consumers member states relief individually

EU to help power consumers as member states launch relief individually

30 September 2021 - While the EU is drafting measures to help poor households and small firms shoulder the spike in energy prices, member states have individual solutions


EU expects Western Balkan countries to offer quality projects for financing under EUR 9 billion plan

30 September 2021 - The EU hopes the overall package that goes into Green Deal projects, digitalization, and resilience in the Western Balkans could reach nearly EUR 30 billion.

spain tax renewables wind farms electricity prices

Spain taxes renewables, nuclear power producers

28 September 2021 - Government rolled out a tax to mitigate the impact of the soaring electricity and gas prices on consumers.

EBRD expands GEFF household energy efficiency Western Balkans

EBRD expands GEFF program for household energy efficiency in Western Balkans

28 September 2021 - The Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) enabled 9,000 households in the region to invest EUR 45 million in energy savings. The program is growing.

Watch LIVE Western Balkans GEFF Award Ceremony

28 September 2021 - Starting at 11 am CET at our portal, you can watch the LIVE Western Balkans...

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